Corporate strategy
Update of the corporate strategy of Enea Capital Group for 2014-2020
The Corporate Strategy of Enea Capital Group was updated in 2015.
The strategy update is connected with the dynamic changes which occurred in respect of market and regulatory conditions formulating the power sector in Poland during the recent years. The changes include e.g. slower than anticipated pace of growth in demand for electricity and lower level of energy prices, significant reduction in investment plans in the area of generation and changing the fuel structure, issue of RES regulation, potential of extracting gas from non-conventional deposits in Poland and challenges faced by the segment of distribution and energy sales. Active observance of the market environment in which Enea Capital Group operates, department of innovation, potential, the Group’s position and realisation of a considerable part of the strategy approved in 2013 became premises for the update of the document setting the Group’s development directions.
Enea CG’s mission and vision remained unchanged.
Mission - Enhancing the Group's value through building Customer confidence
Vision - Fully integrated energy group building its competitive advantage through flexible responding to market needs and efficient resources management.
Taking into account the key results of the strategic analyses the final scenario of Enea CG’s development was defined. Enea CG's superior idea of operations is building value for shareholders and guaranteeing the reliability of energy supplies to Customers.
- concentration of operations on the power market
- growth in all the links of the energy chain of value in order to build a strong long-term position of Enea CG on the market
- Group’s development supported by acquisitions within the emerging market opportunities
- guaranteeing the Group's full operating integration and continuous undertaking of activities for the enhancement of the efficiency of its functioning and ensuring an optimum level of competence
- Group's further development in particular links of the chain of values supported by implementing new solutions
In the Strategy Update the Group particularly addressed three new elements:
Securing fuel supplies for own generating assets
Enea CG holds mainly the generating assets based on bituminous coal. The profitability of energy generation from bituminous coal is currently under a great pressure and it is anticipated that the pressure will increase (RES development, costs of CO2 emissions, development of transborder connections). Thus, energy companies must adjust the purchase of coal from mining assets so that to reduce the cost and improve the competitiveness of the generation based on coal.
The implementation of innovations and new technologies is one of the key factors affecting the enterprise competitiveness on the market. In the conditions of a durable global low level of economic growth the innovativeness and innovations become the key factors enabling generation of a growth in revenue and margins on products. Enea CG's innovation operations will be strongly focused on Customer needs and raising the internal efficiency of the organisation. The Group, as a beneficiary of implemented innovations, will build the competitiveness and enhance the efficiency of operations.
Enea Capital Group's extended staff policy
Conclusions from the analysis of Enea CG's needs within human resources management and the current situation within this area indicate that it is necessary to extend and implement a comprehensive HR policy for Enea CG. It will guarantee the realisation of tasks faced by Enea CG and will satisfy ambitions and professional aspirations of employees. Within the human resources management we will concentrate on raising the work efficiency, e.g. through formulating and implementation of the policy for managing work results and performance based remuneration, management of competences, knowledge and employee development.
Update of the corporate strategy of Enea Capital Group for 2014-2020
- Construction of 1,075 MW unit in Kozienice Power Plant
- Environment investments which will enable continuation of work of generation assets after 2015
- RES development
- Development of cogeneration sources and heating networks
- Implementation of a programme enhancing reliability and reducing network failure rate
- Implementation of smart grid solution development programme
- Activities directed at reducing the volume of electricity needed for the coverage of losses in the balance of energy
- Implementation of a programme enhancing reliability and reducing network failure rate
- Implementation of smart grid solution development programme
- Activities directed at reducing the volume of electricity needed for the coverage of losses in the balance of energy
Implementation of challenges faced by Enea Group will enhance its competitive advantage:
- Cost optimisation
- Shared Service Centre operating stabilisation
- Building an efficient organisation capable of obtaining, evaluation and implementation of innovations in Enea Group
- Improvement of the service processes of external and internal Customers
- Concentration on core operations
- Non-core entities restructuring
In 2015-2020 the Group plans to implement investments in the total amount of ca. PLN 17 billion, which will be covered from own funds and obtained debt financing. Taking into account the capital expenditures incurred in 2014 totalling to ca. PLN 2.8 billion, the total CAPEX for 2014-2020 perspective practically remains on the same level: ca. PLN 20 billion.
Capital expenditures will be incurred e.g. for additional generating capacity in Enea CG until 2020