I Quarter

Enea obtained PLN 1 billion due to placing of the first issue of bonds within the programme totalling to up to PLN 5 billion.

II Quarter

In May, Enea commenced operations on the German electricity wholesale market. Through a specialist company, Enea Trading, it is present both on the SPOT market - EPEX SPOT , and forward market - EEX.

III Quarter

On 11 August Enea distributed dividend from profit for 2014 in the amount of PLN 0.47 per share. The dividend rate totalled to 3.2%.

IV Quarter

On 29 October Enea CG became the owner of a total of 66% of LW Bogdanka's shares, holding thus the operating control over the most efficient Polish mine.

We consistently develop the Enea Group and we optimally use its resources in the framework of the business activities.


PLN 2,129.871 mln
Change 9.6%


PLN - 162.125 mln
Change - 113.7%

Net sales revenue

PLN 9,848.392 mln
Change – 0.1%

Net debt / EBITDA

Zmiana 260%

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