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Declaration of the application of Corporate Governance rules

The set of principles applied

Creating values for shareholders, also through the Company's transparency, is one of Enea Capital Group's priorities. Having that in mind, the Board of Enea SA represents that in 2015 the Company applied the corporate governance rules constituting an Addendum to the Resolution of the WSE Supervisory Board No. 19/1307/2012 of 21 November 2012 as amended, “Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies” (BPLC, Corporate Governance Rules), published on the Warsaw Stock Exchange website under Corporate governance principles include also the section titled "Recommendations relating to best practices of listed companies" describing good practices which the Company chooses to apply voluntarily.

Best Practises of WSE Listed Companies 2016

On 13 October 2015 the Board of the Stock Exchange passed a resolution regarding the adoption of a new set of corporate governance principles under the name of “Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2016” The new principles came into force on 1 January 2016. The Company published a representation on the status of the application of the recommendations and principles included in this set, the content of which is available on its website under link. At the same time, the Company explains that the representation on the application of the corporate governance being the element of these Statements relates to the set of principles in force in 2015, so that the document titled “Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies”.

Principles of corporate governance the application of which was waived

Enea SA’s Board's intention is to apply all the principles of the corporate governance. Due to the fact however, that some principles may pose the necessity to incur excessive burdens by the Company which could exceed potential benefits resulting from market needs, in 2015 the Company waived the application of some principles and recommendations of the corporate governance indicated below.

Participation of men and women in Enea SA’s authorities

Part I. Recommendations for Best Practice for Listed Companies – item 9

"WSE recommends to public companies and their shareholders that they ensure a balanced proportion of women and men in management and supervisory functions in companies, thus reinforcing the creativity and innovation of the companies’ economic business."


The Management Board and Supervisory Board of the Company is composed of both women and men. However, an equal participation of women and men in the managing and supervisory bodies in Enea SA is not kept at the moment.

The Issuer announces that the selection and appointment of members of management and supervisory authorities of the Company is conducted on the basis of applications obtained from candidates.

The basic criteria used by the Company when employing managing and supervising people include an exact analysis of candidates' experience, their competences, skills and technical preparation of each of them. In the Company's assessment, the criteria indicated above which are in place in order to evaluate candidates for offices in management and supervisory authorities permit the selection of relevant candidates who guarantee creativity and innovativeness, as well as the development of Enea SA's operations.

Questions asked by shareholders in relation to general meetings

Part II. Best Practice for Management Boards of Listed Companies - item 1(7)

"A company should operate a corporate website and publish on it, in addition to information required by legal regulations: (...) shareholders’ questions on issues on the agenda submitted before and during a General Meeting together with answers to those questions."


The principle mentioned above is not applied by the Company at the moment and in line with the Company's intention it will not be applied also in the foreseeable future. To some extent the information concerning proceedings of General Meetings are included in notarised minutes of GM, but they do not include all pronouncements, questions or answers occurring during the proceedings of General Meetings. The Company clarifies that with regard to answering Shareholders’ questions outside of General Meetings the Company abides by, above all, the mode of publication of this type of information specified in § 38 item 1(12) of the regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information (...)

Organisation of e-general meeting of the Company

Part IV. Best Practices of Shareholders - item 10

"A company should enable its shareholders to participate in a General Meeting using electronic communication means through real-life broadcast of General Meetings, real-time bilateral communication where shareholders may take the floor during a General Meeting from a location other than the General Meeting."

read together with: Part I. Recommendations for Best Practice for Listed Companies – item 1

"A company should pursue a transparent and effective information policy using both traditional methods and modern technologies and latest communication tools ensuring fast, secure and effective access to information. Using such methods to the broadest extent possible, a company should in particular: (...) ensure adequate communication with investors and analysts, and use to this purpose also modern methods of Internet communication.


The Company explains that in 2015 it did not transmit any General Meetings on-line, and thus a bilateral communication providing shareholders with a possibility of speaking during meetings using the means of electronic communication. Currently, the Company's Statute does not foresee attending the General Meeting using means of electronic communication in line with the Commercial Companies Code.

Independence of Members of the Supervisory Board

Part III. Best practices realised by members of supervisory boards – item 6

At least two members of the supervisory board should fulfil the criteria of independence from the company and from entities that have significant affiliations with the company. With regard to the independence criteria for members of the supervisory board, Annex II to the European Commission Recommendation of 15 February 2005 on the role of non-executive or supervisory directors of listed companies and on the committees of the (supervisory) board should be applied. Irrespective of the provisions of Item b) of that Annex, a person who is an employee of the company or its subsidiary or affiliate cannot be deemed to fulfil the independence criteria referred to in that Annex. Furthermore, an affiliation with a shareholder excluding the independent status ofa member of the supervisory board in the meaning of this principle is understood to mean an actual and significant affiliation with a shareholder that has the right to exercise 5% or more of the total number of votes at the general meeting of shareholders.


The Company explains that in 2015 the Supervisory Board was composed of maximally one supervising person satisfying the independence criteria. Until 1 July 2015 Jeremi Mordasewicz was an independent member of the Supervisory Board. From 2 July to 22 September the Supervisory Board’s independent member was Marian Gorynia. From 21 October 2015 and as at 31 December the function of the Supervisory Board’s independent member was held by Tomasz Gołębiowski. Decisions on a potential supplementation of the composition of the Supervisory Board with members satisfying the independence criteria are made by the Company’s general meetings.