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36. Costs by type

Amortization and depreciation (790 375) (728 408)
Costs of employee benefits (989 489) (948 872)
- salaries and wages (723 197) (718 901)
- social security and other benefits (266 292) (229 971)
Consumption of materials, raw materials, value of goods and materials sold (1 791 115) (1 821 196)
- consumption of materials and energy (1 575 626) (1 607 937)
- cost of goods and materials sold (102 281) (208 745)
- cost of gas (113 208) (4 514)
Cost of energy and gas purchased for resale  (3 282 923) (3 835 730)
External services (1 192 707) (1 046 916)
- transmission services (769 503) (710 577)
- other external services (423 204) (336 339)
Taxes and charges (290 201) (268 934)
Total costs of products, goods and materials sold, selling, marketing, general and administrative expenses  (8 336 810) (8 650 056)