The diagram below presents the operating dependencies between Enea Group companies and business partners and Customers in the segment of Trade:
Sales of electricity and gaseous fuel to retail users are performed mainly by Enea SA 1). In 2015 the Company maintained sales of electricity to business Customers and households on the level from the previous year, and also significantly increased sales of gaseous fuel, in particular to business customers. It was possible due to introduction of new products and implementation of the promotional activities communicating the Company’s offer.
Sales of electricity and gaseous fuel to retail users of Enea SA in 2012-2015
Revenue from sales of electricity and gaseous fuel to retail users of Enea SA in 2012-2015
In 2015, the main sources of acquiring electricity by the segment of Trade (Enea SA and Enea Trading) were: internal and balancing market (46% of the total purchases) and forward and SPOT market (46% of the total purchases). The purchased energy was sold mainly to end Customers in 2015, whose share in the total shares totalled to 59%.
The diagrams below demonstrate the directions of purchases and sales of electricity by the segment of Trade 1):
Purchase of electricity and gaseous fuel
Volume 2015 [TWh] | |
Forward and SPOT market | 13.4 |
Local market | 2.3 |
Others 2) | 13.2 |
TOTAL | 28.9 |
Sales of electricity and gaseous fuel
Volume 2015 [TWh] | |
Forward and SPOT market | 13.4 |
Local market | 2.3 |
Others 2) | 13.2 |
TOTAL | 28.9 |
1) Extension of the operations in the segment of Trade with sales of natural gas took place in Q4 2014
2) Internal and balancing market
3) Wholesale on the forward market and SPOT market, external wholesale, balancing market