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Information on employment

As at the end of 2015, 14,957 people were employed in Enea Capital Group. The dominant group was people aged between 26 and 55 years, constituting 78% of all the employees. 77% of the Group's employees are people with middle or higher qualification.

Detailed information on employment is presented on the diagrams below.

Employment in Enea Capital Group - employees

Employment in Enea Capital Group as at 31 December 2015 - sex

Changes in employment in Enea Capital Group - employees

Employment in Enea Capital Group as at 31 December 2015 - education

Employment in Enea Capital Group as at 31 December 2015 - age 

Realisation of the HR Policy in Enea Capital Group in 2015

The Capital Group's attractiveness as an employer is built on the corporate values:

  • aware development of the organisational culture and positive attitudes among employees
  • promoting the culture of sharing knowledge in the organisation
  • supporting behaviours which build external and internal customer satisfaction

Efficient management of competences and resources within HR improves the Group's operations:

  • we implemented a new HR organisation model in selected Group Companies. It is based on the Shared Service Centre concept. The result of these actions is standardisation of HR processes, which translates into the efficiency of functioning of the whole Group
  • the training policy of Enea Group enables the growth in specialisation of services processes
  • the goal of the human resources management policy is a better quality of Customer service in the Group Companies

Trainings allow to fully use Enea Group's employee potential:

  • competence development programmes for the managerial staff support its growth
  • we have implemented the internal monitoring and coaching programme for employees on positions related to the core business
  • personal and managerial skills development programme for sales employees was a consequence of assessing competences in the Group
  • we continue the training policy providing employees with an access to specialist trainings improving professional knowledge, required authorisations and qualifications

Due to education the Capital Group decreases the risk of a generation gap:

  • we cooperate with educational institutions and organise internships and trainings
  • we are consistently building the image of a demanded employer and win the best candidates

The Group realises Programmes of Voluntary Redundancy (PVR) which are treated as a tool protecting against the uncontrolled departure of required competences.

Collective disputes

There are no collective labour disputes in any of the key companies comprising Enea CG. In order to eliminate the risk and occurrence of a potential collective dispute the boards of the companies have a regular dialogue with the society.