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Enea Group's generating assets

DescriptionInstalled electrical capacity [MWe]Attainable electrical capacity [MWe]Installed heating capacity [MWe]
Kozienice Power Plant 2 960.0 2 919.0 105.0
Białystok Heat and Power Plant 203.5 156.6 446.5
Wind Farms: Bardy, Darżyno and Baczyna 1) 70.1 70.1 -
Liszkowo and Gorzesław Biogas Power Plants 3.8 3.8 3.1
Hydropower Plants 2) 60.4 57.6 -
MEC Piła 3) 10.0 10.0 151.3
PEC Oborniki - - 30.5
MPEC Białystok - - 185.0
TOTAL 3 307.8 3 217.1 921.4

1) Baczyna Wind Farm capacity was included - Enea Wytwarzanie is pending the licence extension
2) Modernisation of Trzebiatów Hydroelectric Power Plant (+ 0.07 MWe)
3) Reduction in power results from the liquidation of generating sources for the heat power installed results from the liquidation of:
 - EC Szamotuły (-2.507MWt)
 - EC Poznań (-0.195 MWt)
 - Gozdnica (-0.32 MWt) – liquidation of one boiler house          


Allowances for emissions of CO2 in generating units [tonnes of CO2]

Description State as at 31 December 2014State as at 31 December 2015 1)
Volume of free allowances for emissions of CO2 (KPRU - National Allocation Plan) 5 921 554 3 413 076
Volume of allowances for emissions of CO2 purchased on the secondary market 5 326 118 8 306 817
Total allowances for emissions of CO2  11 247 672 11 719 893
Emission coverage with free allowances 52.6% 29.1%

CO2 emission cost [‘000 PLN]

Area of Generation, including: 107 638 193 163
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. Segment of System Power Plants (Kozienice Power Plant) 104 797 190 417
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. Segment of Heat (Białystok Heat and Power Plant) 0 639
MEC Piła 1 202 1 457
PEC Oborniki 2) - -
MPEC Białystok 1 639 650

1) Book recognition was presented
2) PEC Oborniki is not subject to the act on emission trading and does not balance CO2 emissions


Description2014 1)2015Change Q4 2014 1)Q4 2015 Change
Total generation of electricity (net) [GWh], including: 12 812 13 142 2.6% 3 357 3 444 2.6%
Net production from conventional sources [GWh], including: 11 779 12 293 4.4% 3 099 3 228 4.2%
ENEA Wytwarzanie – segment of System Power Plants(excluding biomass co-combustion) 11 596 12 032 3.8% 3 020 3 127 3.5%
Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of Heat (Białystok Heat and Power Plant - excluding biomass co-combustion) 181 211 16.6% 77 86 11.7%
MEC Piła 2 50 2 400.0% 2 15 650.0%
Production from renewable energy sources [GWh], including: 1 033 849 -17.8% 258 216 -16.3%
Co-combustion of biomass 476 255 -46.4% 105 57 -45.7%
Combustion of biomass 294 309 5.1% 86 78 -9.3%
Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of RES (hydroelectric plants) 113 109 -3.5% 27 26 -3.7%
Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of RES (wind farms) 141 162 14.9% 37 52 40.5%
Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of RES (biogas plants) 9 14 55.6% 3 3 -
Heat production [TJ] 4 916 5 217 -6.1% 1 911 1 616 -15.4%

Kozienice Power Plant [TWh]

Purchase of energy by Enea Wytwarzanie on the wholesale market

In 2015 the volume-related electricity purchases in the segment of System Power Plants amounted to 2,088 GWh. The purchases were made for the needs of energy trading activities. Additionally, 1,117 GWh of energy was purchased within the Balancing Market.

In the segment of Heat the purchase volume in 2015 amounted to 8.3 GWh - acquisition on the Balancing Market is 7.8 GWh, purchase in the trade of 0.5 GWh.

Energy trading (sales = purchases) is performed within market possibilities guaranteeing achievement of the anticipated financial result and in order to limit the failure consequences.

Purchase of electricity in 2015 trade related mainly to the segment of System Power Plants and constituted 65% of the whole energy purchases. Purchase of electricity as a part of the Balancing Market accounted for 35%. Purchases within the trade in the segment of Heat stemmed from activities reducing the costs of generating units' failures and lack of available power vs. concluded contracts.

Sales volumes of electricity in Enea Wytwarzanie in 2015 amounted to 15,827 GWh. Sales were performed by particular segments depending on the statutory obligations and concluded agreements.

Sales of electricity as a part of the segment of System Power Plants in 2015

Sales of electricity within the segment of System Power Plants in 2015 amounted to 15,497 GWh. In that period, Enea Wytwarzanie had a statutory duty to sell 15% of generated electricity on the commodity exchange.

Sales of electricity as a part of the segment of Heat in 2015

In the segment of Heat sales of electricity in 2015 amounted to 362 GWh

Sales of electricity as a part of the segment of RES in 2015

In the segment of RES sales of electricity in 2015 amounted to 285 GWh.

Fuel supplies

Fuel type2014 2)2015Change
 Volume ['000 tonnes]Costs 3) [PLN mln]Volume ['000 tonnes]Costs 3) [PLN mln]VolumeCosts 3)
Bituminous coal 5 540 1 286 5 870 1 321 6.0% 2.7%
Biomass 759 248 634 172 -16.5% -30.6%
Fuel oil (heavy) 4) 8 14 8 9 0.0% -35.7%
Gas ['000 m3] 5) 1 926 3 13 845 20 618.8% 566.7%
TOTAL   1 551   1 552   0.1%

1) Including to Enea SA
2) Includes production from MPEC from the take-over by Enea CG - MPEC taken over on 16 September 2014
3) Including transport
4) Light-up fuel in Kozienice Power Plant
5) Used for the production of electricity and heat energy in MEC Piła and heat energy in PEC Oborniki

Enea Wytwarzanie – segment of System Power Plants:

The basic fuel used to produce electricity is bituminous coal. In 2015, the main supplier of coal to Enea Wytwarzanie was Lubelski Węgiel "Bogdanka" SA (ca. 69%). Additionally, coal supplies were realised by Kompania Węglowa (ca. 13%), Katowicki Holding Węglowy (ca. 10%) and Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa (ca. 8%).

In 2015 Enea Wytwarzanie held agreements with a total of 10 suppliers of biomass. In that period 153,250.56 tonnes of biomass were purchased for Kozienice Power Plant for the purpose of production of renewable energy. Biomass was mainly sunflower husk pellets.

Coal suppliers to Enea Wytwarzanie in 2015

Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of Heat:

The basic fuel used in Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of Heat (Elektrociepłownia Białystok) is biomass, mainly as wood chips, energetic willow chips and sunflower husk pellets. In 2015, the volume of supplied biomass amounted to 359,514.00 tonnes, and the deliveries were performed by 14 entities. Around 35% of biomass was delivered to the area of Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of Heat, using a rail transport.

In 2015 only Kompania Węglowa supplied coal to Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of Heat.

Coal Transport

Enea Wytwarzanie – segment of System Power Plants:

The only means of transport used to deliver bituminous coal to the segment of System Power Plants in 2015 was a rail transport. PKP Cargo SA forwarder realised 94% of supplies, and DB Schenker Rail Polska SA - 6% of supplies.

Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of Heat:

Coal supplies to Enea Wytwarzanie - segment of Heat in 2015 were realised with rail transport by PKP Cargo.