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Shared Services Centre

Enhancing the efficiency of the support area

In Enea Group the support services are rendered by Enea Centrum. In 2015, the development of an efficient Shared Service Centre was continued within the support functions, such as:

  • Customer service
  • IT
  • finance and accounting
  • personnel
  • logistics
  • debt recovery

Additionally, the following activities were centralised within SSC:

  • coordination of legal services
  • administration and development of Enea CG’s Companies portals
  • electronic flow of obligation and delegation documents

In 2015, changes were introduced in particular areas as regards the organisation of works, new IT systems were implemented, which in the further perspective will allow for the optimisation of processes and raising the efficiency of realised tasks. Enea Centrum implements a range of optimisation projects whose goal is the reduction in costs and raising the quality of services rendered for the other companies in Enea CG.

Since 1 January 2016 the servicing of support services was taken over from the next three Enea CG’s companies - Enea Serwis, Enea Pomiary and Enea Oświetlenie.

2015 the year of optimisation and better efficiency

  • Centralisation and efficiency optimisation of business processes - reducing unit costs
  • Extension of the rendered services to the next Enea CG’s companies
  • Implementation of IT systems supporting the operations in particular areas
  • Extension of the service catalogue - centralisation of next support functions