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16. Non-current assets held for sale

Tangible fixed assets 25 108 12 328
Perpetual usefruct of land - 1 122
Deferred tax assets 729 -
Inventories - 8
Receivables - 10
Cash - 46
Assets held for sale (gross) 25 837  13 514 
Impairment loss (6 597) -
Assets held for sale  19 240   13 514 
Loans, borrowings and debt securities 4 300  -
Trade and other liabilities - 151
Liabilities due to employee benefits - 67
Liabilities related to assets held for sale  4 300  218

As at 31 December 2015 assets of Szpital Uzdrowiskowy ENERGETYK Sp. z o.o. are presented as non-current assets held for sale and liabilities of that company as liabilities related to assets held for sale.

On the basis of a resolution of the Management Board of ENEA S.A. No. 182/2015 dated 21 July 2015, the Company commenced proceedings related to the sale of shares in Hotel EDISON Sp. z o.o. in a public invitation to negotiations. As a result of the proceeding the investor was chosen and on 18 December 2015 the sale agreement of shares of Hotel EDISON Sp. o.o. was concluded and the shares of the company were transferred to the investor. Therefore, the sale of shares of Hotel EDISON Sp. o.o. was completed.

On the basis of a resolution of the Management Board of ENEA S.A. No. 92/2015 dated 21 April 2015, the Company commenced proceedings related to the sale of shares in Szpital Uzdrowiskowy ENERGETYK Sp. z o.o. in a public invitation to negotiations. To the deadline (27 July 2015) four entities responded to the public invitation by submitting binding offers. The investor was chosen and sales contract was signed on 29 September 2015. The investor did not meet the terms of the agreement, therefore the sales contract was terminated. Thereby, the company Szpital Uzdrowiskowy ENERGETYK Sp. z o.o. remains in the structures of the ENEA Group.